Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I miss getting my order back to the school before the due date?

A: Missing the pickup due date is not the end of the world. It simply means that you'll have to make your order online and a late order fee may apply.

Q: How long are my photos available online?

A: Galleries are available online for 6-8 months. 

Q: Do you do retouching?

A: Retouching is done by request only and may have an extra fee depending on the complexity of the task. To make a request please send us an email with your name, contact information, child's school and the .jpg number of the file you'd like retouched and we will get back to you with specific information regarding cost.

Q: Are there retakes?

A: Unfortunately due to the comparatively small sizes of child care centres to elementary schools we do not schedule retake days.

Q: Re: Class Photos

A: Every child at the school should receive a free class photo whether they ordered a picture package or not. Class photos are delivered to the school with the final print orders 4-6 weeks after the due date on your order envelope.

Q: When will I receive my order?

A: Prints are delivered to the school 3-6 weeks after the order deadline. If your order was made after the order deadline it will be shipped to the school 3-6 weeks after the order is made.